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LinkedIn Sales Navigator Prospecting Like The Best B2B Salespeople

As a B2B salesperson, finding and connecting with potential customers can be a daunting task. Luckily, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool designed to help salespeople find and engage with potential customers on the LinkedIn platform. In this blog post, we'll walk you through how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to prospect for B2B sales.

Why LinkedIn Sales Navigator Prospecting?

It's really simple. LinkedIn is the 900 pound gorilla when it comes to the B2B sales game.

And the reason I say they're the 900 pound gorilla is because they have 900 million registered users representing 200 countries worldwide.

If you want to connect with executives, founders, and high level professionals…
Then you've come to the right place.

LinkedIn is where they hang out.

Check out this map from LinkedIn showing a breakdown of where their users are located:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Prospecting

If you want to fast track and get our entire prospecting playbook, you'll love our Diversified Lead Gen Strategy. Click here to check it out.

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a subscription-based service that provides sales professionals with advanced search and lead recommendations to help them find and connect with potential customers. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can:

  • Find decision-makers at target companies
  • Connect with people who have shown interest in your company or industry
  • Get real-time sales updates and insights on your leads and accounts
  • Build and save lead lists for easy access and tracking
  • And much more

Creating a Lead List

If you're using LinkedIn Sales Navigator for prospecting, you may want to create a lead list. A lead list is a collection of potential customers that you can target with your sales efforts. To create a lead list:

  1. Click on the “Lead Lists” tab on the left-hand side of your Sales Navigator homepage.
  2. Click on the “Create Lead List” button.
  3. Give your lead list a name and description.
  4. Use the search filters to find potential customers that meet your criteria.
  5. Click the “Save” button to add those potential customers to your lead list.

However, we normally just use Google Sheets and CSV files for our data collection efforts. This allows for more control, more ways to use the data, and faster workflows in our experience.

Advanced Search

LinkedIn Sales Navigator's advanced search feature allows you to search for potential customers based on a wide range of criteria, including:

  • Industry
  • Company size
  • Location
  • Job title
  • And much more

This is a key feature because it allows you to tighten your targeting when conducting outreach with potential prospects, partners, and hires.

With tighter targeting, we can create more relevant messaging. And your message's relevance is a critical factor in it's effectiveness.

We have seen amazing results combining our advanced searches with cold email, cold calling, direct mail, and omnipresent retargeting. If you'd like a glimpse of what this looks like in action, we host a live cold calling training every week for you to watch us prospect in real-time.

To use advanced search:

  1. Click on the “Search” tab on the left-hand side of your Sales Navigator homepage.
  2. Use the search filters to narrow down your search results.
  3. Click the “Apply” button to see your search results.

Lead Recommendations

LinkedIn Sales Navigator also provides lead recommendations based on your saved leads and searches. These recommendations are based on factors like job title, company size, and industry, and can help you discover potential customers you might have missed otherwise.

To view your lead recommendations:

  1. Click on the “Lead Recommendations” tab on the left-hand side of your Sales Navigator homepage.
  2. Review the recommended leads and click “Save” to add them to a lead list.

Staying Informed

LinkedIn Sales Navigator also provides real-time updates and insights on your leads and accounts. This information can help you stay informed about the companies and decision-makers you're targeting, and can help you tailor your sales efforts accordingly.

To view updates and insights:

  1. Click on the “Notifications” tab on the left-hand side of your Sales Navigator homepage.
  2. Review the updates and insights for your leads and accounts.


InMail is LinkedIn's messaging service that allows you to reach out to potential customers directly. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you get a certain number of InMails each month (depending on your subscription level), which you can use to reach out to potential customers even if you're not connected with them on LinkedIn.

To send an InMail:

  1. Click on the profile of the person you want to reach out to.
  2. Click on the “More…” button and select “Message.”
  3. Compose your message and click “Send.”

It's no secret that LinkedIn has limited your ability to connect with new people each week. This limit has caused a lot of business owners to give up on using LinkedIn Sales Navigator for prospecting.

InMail is one of the ways you can easily increase your outreach efforts while still playing by the rules that LinkedIn has put in place to limit marketers.

Turbocharging Your LinkedIn Results

If you're a business owner or sales pro looking to accelerate your results on LinkedIn, then hiring a prospecting VA is a great way to get even more out of the platform.

We give our prospecting VAs advanced search lists. They uses them to build out prospect lists that we add into our cold email, cold calling, and direct mail efforts.

One of the keys to building massive trust on LinkedIn is taking the relationship off platform. When your prospective buyers start to see you in their email inbox, speak with you on the phone, and see you ever day on social media – you are one step closer to being the top choice when it comes time for them to buy a service like yours.

Omnipresent is a powerful tool to nurture your leads and build the trust needed for them to take the leap of faith and work with you.

Next Steps With LinkedIn Sales Navigator Prospecting

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool that can help B2B salespeople find and connect with potential customers on LinkedIn. By using the advanced search, lead recommendations, and real-time updates and insights, you can target the right people at the right time and increase your chances of success. Happy prospecting!

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