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The Ultimate Guide On Group Sales Calls For Coaches & Consultants

How To Scale Your Sales Without
Hiring Sales Reps Or Taking Sales Calls All Day!


Hey it's Mike Mark here,

Thanks a lot for connecting!

I’ll get straight to the point…

If you want to stop spending all damn day on sales calls and 2-3X your business faster than you ever knew was possible, this letter is written for you.

Here's why:

Three months ago, I met Tom. He was feeling SUPER FRUSTRATED because he was spending upwards of 30 hours per week on sales calls. He desperately wanted to scale but just didn’t have the energy. And the salespeople he tried bringing on weren’t cutting it.

Normally I’d just bring on closers. But Tom had a unique situation.

His market was EXTREMELY NICHE and finding a salesperson who could authentically speak to it was going to take way too long.

Knowing he needed to act fast because his current pace wasn’t sustainable. If something didn’t change quick, he was at serious risk of burnout.

So I suggested we run group sales calls.

If you don't know what a Group Sales Call is, here's a quick overview:

1. You design a selling environment that provides social proof & authority

2. You add everyone who registers to an exclusive Zoom meeting

3. You implement our step by step Group Sales Call formula

4. At the end, you make an offer to sign up for your high ticket offer

5. You celebrate making more money in 45 mins than most people make in 6 months

Sounds great, right? 


Well it gets even better.

All of this is accomplished…

❌ Without screening and interviewing
❌ Without onboarding and ramping up
❌ Without pipeline reviews & call reviews
❌ Without playing psychiatrist when a closer’s dog dies or he hasn’t gotten laid in weeks (both actual scenarios)
❌ And without wasting time with BROKE and CRAZY people

Back to Tom…

The results?

My client Tom did $80k in 15 days (he sold a high-ticket coaching program to these high-level executives)

The funny part is that he told me… “If we hit $70K per month, then this will be a massive success.” Turns out, he beat his goal with another 16 days to go in October. 

On top of that, he increased his conversion rate by over 4.4X.

His measly $10K investment to implement this together has paid for itself 10-50X in only 3 months.

I was excited but didn’t think too much of it. Because as weird as it sounds… It’s normal for me to see clients 2-3X their business in 90 days or less.

Once I saw Tom was getting some success, then I got introduced to another client. Her name is Laura.

Laura is an attorney who started teaching other attorneys her amazing system for running a practice in only 2 hours per day.

She was in the same situation as Tom. She would have 8-10 strategy sessions booked per day. It was getting to be too much to keep up with the demand. She reached out because she wanted to hire a salesperson.

But I could tell that some of the key pieces we needed to guarantee success were missing.

At the same time, if something didn’t change soon…

It was only a matter of time before she burntout.

So I floated the idea of Group Sales Calls. And Laura loved it! She sent me $10K immediately and we were off to the races.

With her next cohort starting soon, we wanted to get it into place as quickly as possible.

Within only 3 weeks, she was able to host her first Group Sales Call.

My client Laura made $7k in just 30 minutes (And she still has another $7K-$10K about to close).

But the best part is…


As any good entrepreneur knows: 

Time is way more valuable than money.

Building a behemoth sales team isn’t the only way to scale fast.

This is a new and different than any other approach. And experts agree.

I have two clients who have gone from 20-30 hours per week on sales calls… To only 2-4 hours per week on sales calls.

While 2-3X’ing their weekly revenue.

I just did a math and realized that if you cut your time selling by 80% while growing 3X… That is a 15X increase in your dollar per hour.

How crazy is that?

We cracked the code and have a proven system that WORKS!

And now, I'm looking for 2 more coaches and course creators to help them implement this Group Sales Call system…

…so they can do a $20k-$50k per week without spending all day on calls.

And if you qualify to be one of them, I'll not just teach you how to do this…

I'll directly mentor you and do everything WITH YOU to guarantee your success.

Here's what it means…

First, we'll hop on a call to distill your messaging and design the presentation.

I'll personally help you figure out your Messaging Trifecta – the hook, offer, and unique mechanism that will make your group sales calls and offer hit harder than Mike Tyson in his prime.

We'll also get clear on the specific $$$ target for your business

…and reverse engineer the numbers so we know exactly how many leads, attendees and buyers we need to hit that target.

Once you have a presentation that makes them say Gimme Gimme Gimme, we'll move to the next phase…

Second, I'll help you set up the process so you can have them book with you.

We’ll implement the proper calendar settings that make this play work.

We’ll implement the meeting reminder process we’ve seen work incredibly well.

On top of that, I'll give you my follow up email templates that convert the fence-sitters into credit card givers…

…so that you can get more people into your high ticket offer without chasing or ending up in follow-up purgatory.

At this point, you'll have your Group Sales Call funnel ready to start generating appointments and sales!


Third, I'll help you fill your group sales call with qualified prospects.

If you have an existing audience (email list, social media, etc,…), I'll give you my proven SMS, email, and social swipes that will produce leads for days. In fact, we just filled two weeks of group sales calls and booked over 100 prospects using these exact templates.

If you don't have an existing audience, I'll show you my “secret” organic strategy to get a bunch of qualified leads without spending a dime on ads.

And then, if needed, I'll also show you how to create a simple Facebook ad campaign to get even more registrants for your challenge.

And finally, I'll help you tweak your presentation based on the audience feedback.


You’ll get detailed breakdowns and insane messaging insights. I charge $20K for a VIP Day and $5K for 1-hour consults to do this exact thing.

In fact, you’ll have a presentation that oozes with advanced sales psychology without ever feeling inauthentic or gimmicky.

And finally, I'll show you how to transition into the pitch and present your offer in a way that it's almost impossible to say “NO”.

The bottom line is this…

By the end of this process, you'll have everything you need to do confidently and consistently sell your high ticket offer one-to-many.

And how is it delivered?

1) COURSE – You'll get a 1-year license to access the step-by-step online course that will show you everything you need to launch your group sales calls.

2) WEEKLY MENTORSHIP CALLS – For 12 weeks, you'll be able to join mentorship calls with me so that I can personally answer any of your questions and help you with whatever you need the most so you can implement everything without an guesswork!

3) DONE-FOR-YOU RESOURCES – You'll get everything you need to crush it with your group sales calls (funnel templates, email templates, social media promo templates, presentation templates, pitch templates, follow up scripts, and more…)

I hope that you can see that this is a truly DONE-WITH-YOU MENTORSHIP.

And my goal is to create a new epic success stories.

I'm looking for hungry people who are ready to scale insanely fast.

So how much is the investment for all of this?

I could easily charge at least $20,000 for this!

Probably more, given the results my clients are getting.

Most of my clients make that investment back with just a few high-ticket sales during their first group sales call.

But I have decided to make it more affordable to create a few more “shock and awe” case studies before pushing the pricing higher.

That's why the investment is just:


Or if you want to make it easier on cashflow…

You can pay 3 monthly payments of $4K.

And honestly, there is no way that this won't be an extremely profitable investment for you…

I mean, if you can’t see how you can make WAY MORE than $12K from your group sales calls, don't even join this coaching – it's not for you. 

Also if you’re not currently generating at least $5K per week with one offer – it’s not for you.

It's for people who want to go from making $10K to $50K per month to making $20k in a week….$50k in a week…or more! Like clockwork.

So if you want to take advantage of this…

If you are ready to make a bold move and invest in yourself…

And if you want to do $20k – $50k+ in a week…


Without hours and hours talking with broke and crazy people.

This is for you!

These 2 spots will be first come first serve.

If you're ready to rock n’ roll and implement group sales calls just send me an email with the subject “I'M IN” here.

Then I'll send you a payment link and get you set up. 

Limited Offer.

Mike Mark

PS: Since this offer requires me to be hands-on throughout the process, I can't work with a lot of clients at once. Currently, we are capped at 2 spots for this per week. So if you're serious and ready to get started without a sales call, you can email us right now.

PPS. Want to implement this even faster? Then we can do a 4-hour VIP Day. These are $20K and we can get everything you need to get your group sales calls running in one felt swoop. – Shoot me an email if you want details about the VIP Day.

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