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How to Launch Cheap & Effective Omnipresent Retargeting Ads to Sell Your High-Ticket Offers (Complete Guide)

If you sell a high-ticket offer, chances are the vast majority of your audience won't buy from you the first time they're exposed to you.

People need time to get to know, like, and trust you.

It's not uncommon for some of your clients to take months, even a year or more, to buy from you.

And the best thing you can do is always stay in front of them until they're ready to buy.

Thank God for retargeting ads because now you can follow your audience all over the internet.

All you need is them to show some interest in what you have to offer, and they're yours. Forever!

In this article, we'll show you how we use omnipresent retargeting ads to sell our high-ticket offers.

Table of Contents

  1. What are omnipresent retargeting ads?
  2. Why you should use omnipresent retargeting ads
  3. How much should you spend on omnipresent retargeting ads?
  4. 4 must-have and 4 optional platforms to run your omnipresent retargeting ads on
  5. What to do before you launch your omnipresent retargeting ads
  6. 7 types of user behavior to build your retargeting pools
  7. 6 best ad creatives to use for omnipresent retargeting campaigns
  8. Conclusion & next steps

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What are omnipresent retargeting ads?

Retargeting ads are a type of online advertising that allows businesses to keep their name in front of bounced traffic after they leave a website.

They've proven to be effective in getting customers who have previously shown interest in a company’s products or services to return and convert.

Why you should use omnipresent retargeting ads

There are a number of reasons why omnipresent retargeting ads can be beneficial for businesses, but some of the most common include:

  • They’re effective. Retargeting ads have been shown to be significantly more effective than other forms of online advertising, with one study finding that they can be up to 400% more effective.
  • They’re easy to set up. retargeting ads don’t require a lot of time or effort to set up, and they can be quickly implemented into most marketing campaigns.
  • They’re inexpensive. retargeting ads are one of the most cost-effective forms of online advertising, making them a good choice for businesses on a tight budget.

How much should you spend on omnipresent retargeting ads

This will depend on:

  • The platform you're advertising on
  • How many in your audience you want to reach every day
  • Your media plan/mix, i.e. what percentage of your advertising budget you want to allocate to prospecting vs. retargeting

You can spend as little as $1/day and as much as you can afford.

4 must-have and 4 optional platforms to run your omnipresent retargeting ads on

If you can, use retargeting ads on every platform you can. Here we'll list the must have platforms and optional platforms.

Must-have retargeting ads:

Google search, Google Display Network, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.

Optional retargeting ads:

TikTok, Reddit, Quora, Pinterest.

What to do before you launch your omnipresent retargeting ads

Step one before you launch retargeting ads is to build your retargeting pools.

There are two types of retargeting pools: on-platform and off-platform.

To build your on-platform retargeting pool, it's a matter of creating the different retargeting audiences that are available on the ad platform.

Off-platform retargeting pools are built off the people who visit your website and to do this, you need to all the “retargeting pixels” for the platforms you want to advertise on.

A retargeting pixel is a short snippet of code that tracks what visitors do on your website.

We use Google Tag Manager to manage all the pixels and other scripts running on our websites.

7 types of user behavior to build your retargeting pools

There are a number of different types of retargeting ad campaigns that businesses can run, but some of the most common include:

Branded Search Ads

A branded search retargeting campaign allows businesses to retarget users who have searched for their brand name on Google.

Browse Abandonment

A browse abandonment retargeting campaign allows businesses to retarget users who have left their website without taking any action.

Cart Abandonment

A cart abandonment retargeting campaign allows businesses to retarget users who have added items to their shopping cart but have not completed the purchase.

Abandoned Checkout

An abandoned checkout retargeting campaign allows businesses to retarget users who have started the checkout process but have not completed it.

People who follow you

You can use retargeting ads to target people who have subscribed to your channel or follow your account.

People who engage with you

You can use retargeting ads to target people who have liked or commented on your videos.

Video Views

You can use retargeting ads to target people who have watched all or a certain percentage of your video.

6 best ad creatives to use for omnipresent retargeting campaigns

The one-sentence product reminder

This is a short, sweet, and to-the-point ad that simply reminds people of what your product is and why they need it.

We use an image with a proven unique selling proposition, one line of copy, and a straightforward call to action.

omnipresent retargeting ads on facebook

New/best content promotion

Over the years, we've created sales enablement assets that, I can safely say, have made us over a million dollars.

Like our sales recruitment playbook and frequently asked questions about commission-only sales reps.

Content assets like these are perfect for a retargeting ad campaign.

Case studies work great too. You can use video or send them to an article.

And if you've got a brand new piece of content you want to promote, I can't think of a better way to get it in front of the right people than retargeting everyone who's visited your website or engaged with your account in the past year.

Follow me on X

Want to grow your audience on social media with super-high-quality followers? Retarget people who've shown interest in your business.

You'll grow much faster than organic but you'll avoid the low-quality of typical follower-growth campaigns.

Testimonial carousels (video and image)

One of the main reasons people won't buy from you is a lack of belief in themselves.

They don't think your products or services will work for them.

Retarget them with video and written testimonials of people just like them who've bought from you and achieved success.

We like using carousel videos and images for this, because you can pack a lot of social proof into one ad.

Objection handler videos

Do you know the common objections people have to buying from you?

Record short videos of you answering those objections and serve them up as retargeting ads.

Cart closing/deadlines

People love to wait until the last minute to buy so it's important you aggressively remind them when deadlines are near and you're about to close enrollment.

You've probably already sent cart closing/deadline emails to your list before but have you run cart closing/deadline retargeting ads?

It's not ‘either/or' it's ‘yes and.'

You want to use email, SMS, and ads to squeeze every last sale out of your promotion.

Bonus tip! DO NOT exclude your customers

If you want your ads to get next-level engagement and social proof, never exclude your customers/clients from your advertising.

This includes your prospecting and retargeting ads.

Happy customers love to leave testimonials in the comments of your ads and respond to haters.

They’ll even handle objections for you.

Conclusion and Next Steps

If you've never run ads for your high-ticket offers before and you've only sold via organic channels, retargeting ads are where you should start.

They're cheap and they work.

And if you do already run ads why not get the most of the traffic you're buying?

Effective retargeting means you'll lower your cost per book call and cost of acquiring new clients.

Here's your tl;dr: on how to launch omnipresent retargeting campaigns:

  1. Add all the retargeting pixels you need to your website using Google Tag Manager. And also add pixels for those platforms you might not use immediately just in case (e.g. TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit.)
  2. Set up all your retargeting audiences: customers, followers, website visitors, video viewers, and page engagers.
  3. Wait until your retargeting audience pool is large enough to serve ads to.
  4. Blitz them everywhere! Google, YouTube Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin… If it can show ads and they're on it, they should be seeing your face/business.
  5. You can spend as little as $1/day and as much as you can afford, but NEVER TURN OFF your retargeting ads!

If you'd like additional help on:

  • How to create an offer that converts
  • How to get more leads
  • How to get more sales calls
  • How to close more deals
  • …And much more

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