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If you’re tired of getting your perfectly compliant ads disapproved and your ad accounts shut down, this interview is a must-watch.

Aleric Heck is a Youtube wizard and a client of ours. He’s so good at filling up calendars we often work together on new clients. He scales their marketing while we scale their sales.

You'll Discover

  • Why you need to run Youtube ads TODAY [01:28]
  • What you need in place before you start running Youtube ads [03:52]
  • Youtube vs Facebook for webinar funnels – a key difference [05:24]
  • Webinars vs VSLs – comparing lead and application costs [08:25]
  • Differences in cost of acquisition on Youtube and Facebook [09:50]
  • Why sales reps fight over Youtube leads [11:20]
  • Does Youtube have enough ad inventory to scale “niche” offers? [15:40]
  • How to laser-target high ticket prospects on Youtube [18:20]
  • Why only noobs use video placement ads [21:03]
  • The top misconceptions people have about Youtube ads [24:30]
  • The components of winning Youtube ad scripts and creative [28:15]
  • Metrics and KPIs – what’s “good” performance? [35:06]
  • How to troubleshoot ads when your campaigns aren’t spending any budget [37:08]
  • The quantum leaps that happen when growing an agency/consulting business [40:12]
  • Jay Abraham’s advice to Aleric that helped him grow from 100k/month to 450k/month in less than a year [42:20]
  • How to manage your emotions and stay the course when you first delegate your sales calls [45:18]
  • The big difference between scaling marketing and scaling sales [52:00]
  • How to leverage appointment setters once you’ve got your closers dialed in [54:05]

…And much more!

Helpful Resources

  1. Free case study: discover how our “ATM System” can help you get off the phones and scale from 6- to 7-figures in under 6 months [Watch Now]
  2. Join our free Facebook group, 7 Figure Agency Owners And High Ticket Coaches [Join Now]

Episode Transcript

Mike Mark: [00:00:00]

Well, I say you've got some people who just jumped on if you've jumped on and you can hear us all right. What up Gary? What up David? If you guys can hear us, give us a quick comment. Drop a question below if you've got a question as well. What up Ryan? Good to see you here.

So talking with Aleric, he is pretty much the go to, when it comes to YouTube ads. We actually tag team a lot of projects together where Aleric will basically break their business because they got too many appointments from YouTube ads and then they got to desperately get off of the phones and then he'll kind of tag us in. And so, and vice versa, we'll break their business where they got all these sales reps and now they want to push their calendar harder and we'll tag Aleric in. And, so like I know you're working with Jay and Samera and, they've been just like crushing it. So, I'm excited to have you here.

What's up, Ryan? Can you hear us? I see Ryan says, “Hey”. So I guess everybody knows that YouTube is kind of the hot thing, right now, but I think a lot of people are, sometimes you get into the Google ads manager and it's like a little daunting. Facebook is so familiar and, they, they don't know where to start or kind of how to leverage YouTube ads. So, I guess the big question is first of all, why YouTube ads? And I know that like you see some pretty interesting stuff with YouTube ads. So, why YouTube ads in the first place?

Aleric Heck: [00:01:25]

Yeah, that's a great question. And obviously a lot of the people that we work with are similar to, you know, the people who are in your group, right? You're selling high ticket product, you know, coaching, consulting, you have a program or service. And one of the big things that you see with that, right, is you, you're the face of that business, where you have somebody who's the face of that business. And because it's an expert based business, you're oftentimes getting people who are looking up a solution, trying to find a solution.

And we all know Facebook ads work, right? But the problem is they work to an extent, you know, they, they get kind of go up and down, they rely on an algorithm. As we know, there's a lot of competition. It's very much a red ocean. So not only is YouTube ads, a blue ocean, there's less advertisers, less of us, you know, kind of marketing, consultants, coaches over there.

But it's also the way the platform works, it's intent based. So, if somebody is looking up, you know, how to get leads, how to get sales, how to get in shape, how to get fit. You know, if they're looking up these different things that obviously have a high ticket offer for, you know, how to find connections on LinkedIn, right? How to start selling your product, how to, you know, whatever it happens to be, people are searching that on YouTube and you can run your ad in front of those videos, educate them, get them excited and to see you as an expert and then get them to take action off of that.

It's very different than on Facebook, people are just kind of scrolling through. It's very much interruption based, whereas on YouTube, not only is it intent-based, where you're running in front of specific videos in front of people who are actively looking right now for a solution, but you only pay on YouTube if somebody watches 30 seconds of your ad.

Instead of paying for every impression that you get on Facebook, you only pay if they watch your ad for more than 30 seconds and they can skip it after 5 seconds with 5 to 29 seconds. So they skip the ad. You don't pay anything. You only pay if they watch it for 30 seconds, which means they're interested.

So they have intent, they're interested, they're likely to sign up, take that next step. And those are just, that's just the therapists. And obviously we'll dive a little bit deeper. We have certain ways that we recommend doing it. I'm excited. I love drop in what I would call, you know, value bombs, knowledge bombs, and I'm excited to dive into it.

Mike Mark: [00:03:39]

Okay. So with YouTube ads, I guess, like what does somebody need in place before they consider even running YouTube ads?

Aleric Heck: [00:03:47]

Yeah, that's, that's a great question. So honestly, what I would say is you do want to make sure that you have a funnel in place and you have some type of offer, that's first been proven, at least with a few, you know, a few sales that you've had on your own. But you don't need to wait until you've set up Facebook to set up YouTube.

You can start them. You can start the interchangeably. We have, we've had people who really only did organic. I think they dabbled with Facebook, never really worked for them. And they see smashing success on YouTube because of the way the platform set up. So I think a big misconception people has, is you have to master Facebook to do YouTube.

I mean, it's a very common misconception that people have about anything, right? That, you know, if something that you're doing right now, isn't working that you're going to try and master that first before doing something else. But in reality, that's a fallacy you should really, you know, maybe if this isn't working over here, go over and focus on what is working, what actually is going to bring in those, those, those leads and sales.

Mike Mark: [00:04:43]

So they need a funnel, they need a converting offer. What else would you say that someone really should at least have in place or consider having kind of put together before going live on YouTube ads?

Aleric Heck: [00:04:55]

Absolutely. So I do recommend some type of webinar, VSL training. Now we do have some limited trainings on how some of this stuff works, but obviously our core expertise is YouTube ads plugging that into, you know, a business. And so really having that funnel that goes from your ad to your, to, to some type of webinar, VSL, and then to an offer. Interestingly, what we've seen on YouTube ads, and a lot of people have been saying, you know, with Facebook and everything, they're like, the webinars are dead. You know, people aren't showing up to webinars anymore, but that's actually more on the platform as opposed to, webinars themselves, right?

And obviously there there's a lot of people still doing very well with Facebook webinars, but these days more and more, you know, the show up rates are decreasing. I've seen people excited about, you know, 25%, which is pretty low, right? On YouTube consistently between us and our clients, we're seeing between 50 and 60% show up rates. And on my webinar, it's an hour and eight minute long webinar, our average watch time is 53 minutes.

Mike Mark: [00:05:55]


Aleric Heck: [00:05:55]

I'm in with the offer to, yeah, to book a call at 45 minutes. So it's crazy and it's because think about it, people are already on YouTube to learn, they're already on YouTube to watch a video. So if you can hit them with an our webinar while they're in video consumption, learning mode, instead of just scrolling on their phone, like they're actually looking to learn, that's when you can get somebody who's much more likely to show up and then watch a whole webinar.

Mike Mark: [00:06:19]

That makes sense. Okay. And it's interesting cause like, yeah, in our experience, YouTube ads, I mean, sorry with Facebook ads, webinars don't work as well. Like I just see it across the board with clients, for the most part it's too long of a system, drop off rates are very high, especially when you're getting mobile distribution and then the people aren't showing up to it, but it makes perfect sense.

Like I know for me when I'm on a Saturday night and I'm like, Binge YouTubing, it's like, and I'm studying either something or I'm like maybe getting my, my rap fix for the night, but I know like I'm there. And I'm usually when I'm logged into YouTube, it's like a couple hours at a time or longer even sometimes.

So, that's really cool and interesting to know that webinars are still working. Do you see an optimal length in terms of video length of, of whatever that sales mechanism is?

Aleric Heck: [00:07:07]

Yeah. So if it's a webinar, typically you do want to keep the offer at least to that, like to that 45 minute mark. And that's kind of the classic that they'll tell you that on webinars. And then, and then kind of like reiterate that after the fact. The only reason ours is an hour and eight minutes is we have a 10 minutes, we call it our testimonial super cut. We literally have a 10 minute long video of, you know, like over three dozen of our clients, just, you know, talking like doing it and doing a magical ball or a testimonials. It's awesome. It's great for proof. If you have a lot of testimonials, you can put it together in one video, you can also run that on YouTube ads. We'll talk about that later. I'm getting ahead of myself as retargeting but, that's what I would recommend. If it's a webinar is I would go in with the offer around the 45 minute mark, and then obviously kind of keep stacking you like getting people to book a call or whatever, like reminding them for a few minutes there.

And then if you have a super cut or you have some testimonials, just kind of playing that on the backend, but the bulk of the content should definitely be within the hour or all the content. And then the 45 minute Mark should be when you get people to book a call. In terms of a VSL, the optimal length that I've seen is honestly, in that 15 to 25 minute mark. So I have a VSL as well, and it's interesting in that, you know, it lead, even on, on YouTube, obviously lead cost is going to be lower for VSL cause it's, you're not, not selecting a time, there's not all these different things. But the application costs, is ,is much better on webinar across us and our clients with YouTube ads versus, versus VSL.

You can have people stay for that long webinar. And those people that stay are more likely to submit an app. But the VSL is also, obviously if you're doing, you know, kind of a Facebook, YouTube kind of play, you might want to have a VSL too. So VSLs typically, 15 to 25 minutes. Those also work very, very well on YouTube too.

I don't want that to be a misconception. It's just, compared to each other. If you can get somebody to actually watch the whole thing. A webinar's almost always going to be better than a VSL, if you can get them to watch the whole thing, that's just the trick though. Can you get them to watch the whole thing?

Mike Mark: [00:09:07]

Yeah. Yeah. It's the old “what's focal is causal”, right? The more, the longer they're paying attention to you, the higher, the value is that, is created. So if you can, you can get them locked in then, yeah, you're going to do better, which makes sense.

Aleric Heck: [00:09:20]


Mike Mark: [00:09:21]

Now, one thing I'd be curious about is like, what do you see in terms of costs as they relate to Facebook? Right? So I know most people that we're working with are spending on Facebook. So what do you see the patterns are of say, cost per lead, cost per application, and cost per acquisition from YouTube to Facebook?

Aleric Heck: [00:09:38]

Yeah, absolutely. So typically what we're seeing is the cost per application is much lower on YouTube compared to Facebook. The lead cost, it does depend sometimes the lead cost is around the same, but the quality is not as similar as Facebook. Facebook gets, you know, a lot of, you know, looking at lot kind of people just kind of like, Oh, that's interesting. I'll sign up. So you do tend to have lower lead costs. If you like at scale.

But on YouTube you have the people that are going in that remember they've watched a 32nd video or at least 30 seconds, it's a longer video, talk about that, like usually we'll do three to five minutes, but they've watched at least 30 seconds. They're in the intent mode. They're, they're watching videos.

They're trying to learn, they sign up, they're going to show up at a much higher rate. And so what we've seen is the cost per webinar view, or the cost per if you're, if you're tracking people who get to, let's say the booking page, right, if you're on a VSL, that's going to be lower on YouTube and same with the application cost.

So I'll give you one example. We have, Lucy who kind of is in the consulting kind of, coaching, coaching space and she was over on, and she's in England solid, so, it's based on pounds, right? But, over there, she was around 140, 150 pound cost per Facebook application. Her applications on YouTube we're less than 60 pounds. And so.

Mike Mark: [00:11:01]

It's crazy.

Aleric Heck: [00:11:02]

Yeah. It's insane. And get this, her, her, her sales team was fighting and this is in her testimonial. This is part of our match up to her sales team was fighting over the YouTube leads because they were higher quality.

Mike Mark: [00:11:17]

Yeah, and I know they're putting up crazy numbers. So we put Jay over there. I don't know if you know Jay, he's one of the guys on their sales team, but I mean, dude was doing like a 25, 30 grand a month in commissions. So he's putting up like 250 grand a month as a sales rep more so, definitely things were rocking on that.

Aleric Heck: [00:11:33]

Awesome. That's like another, another example, right, of tag teammate. It's literally one of those things where we legitimately have people have the problem where they have so many leads that they need, that they need sales people, that they need people to, to, to go through and, and, and crank that up. And, and honestly, I had that same problem as well, and I'm sure we'll, we'll, we'll get to that as well.

And, and, and using you to find, you know, the, the, the best salespeople, because that's what it's all about. You want to make sure you have the, the backend to cover the leads coming in, because you get to a point where like, Oh my God, there's so many applications. I mean, we had, you know, another example is like Ahmad, he had the exact problem.

Mike Mark: [00:12:12]

Yeah. Yeah.

Aleric Heck: [00:12:12]

So it's crazy.

Mike Mark: [00:12:13]

It's exactly who I was thinking about actually, when you said.

Aleric Heck: [00:12:15]

Exactly, exactly. There a video, he's like he made it, he made most hilarious video too, where he's like, warning, warning folks, you know, don't work with Eric, if you want any free time, like he's to your calendar is going to be. And obviously it was kind of funny tongue in cheek.

Cause he's like, you know, we have all these, these people come in. I don't have any time anymore. If that sounds like a good value proposition, then, then go sign up with them. But it was kind of funny, obviously, you know, helping get him, get him some, some sales and people and all that stuff though.

Mike Mark: [00:12:46]

You know, when he talked to me at first, he was like, Dude, I can't, I can't handle this man. I'm dying over here. Like I need someone right away. And the other interesting thing about his offer. So like, just for anyone watching, so you have a little bit of context. Ahmad works with kind of more higher end like real consultants, right? Like real consultants, but like people who are in the corporate world. So it's not as much like in our realm of kind of like packaged coaching offers and what, not that we are accustomed to.

But more like big, you're going on site, you're working with teams of hundred plus and kind of enterprise level consultants a lot of the time. And, he helps them attract and get more clients. And the interesting thing was that he couldn't get Facebook to work, to save his life. And, it was super frustrating. He couldn't scale. And then he actually went to you and then it was like overnight. He was like, “dude, this thing's just rocking”. And it like really cranked up on him.

Aleric Heck: [00:13:44]

Yeah. So in that 50, 50, 60K mark, to a 100K. Consistently a 100K from, from the, the YouTube ads. And then, then the bottleneck though, once you get to that 100K and by the way, that also that's, that's pretty far to go selling yourself, up to a hundred. I did that as well. I, you know, I built up to the a 100K and then I was like, alright, I need to these salespeople to the, you know, to scale this beyond that point, you know. But that's like, like you can, you can have, like, I would actually say you probably want salespeople before that because that's like crazy. You're like grinding it out but you need it. If you get to that point, you, you absolutely need it cause you can't do that. That volume can't sit and you can't scale me on that, and, as a, as the owner.

Mike Mark: [00:14:25]

Yeah. And I think that, as an owner, you start to like, as you push that much volume, start to see places where you want to fix your product and then you don't even have the time to fix your product. So it's like, eh, that is a really difficult feelings sometimes while you're there. So, one thing, I just kind of want to like see this and I think this would be a good thing for anybody watching. So, with YouTube ads, right? So we run YouTube ads, just light traffic, not like much cold traffic acquisition.

And for me, my, one of my concerns is, and I'm sure like anybody watching this is going to have some level of the same concerns, but it's just that, the ad inventory seems really low for the problem that we solve. And so, my question is like, can I really scale cold traffic, YouTube ads to the level that like, I've seen a pretty low ceiling on Facebook ads. And so I'm wondering, could I scale how, far could I actually scale YouTube ads?

Aleric Heck: [00:15:18]

I love that question because that question answers as well, a lot of people who are watching this might be thinking about it. And I think I know some, some guys on my team who can talk with you about that you might've brought in, but, but, but in all seriousness that's legitimately what are different, you know, is with our YouTube ads program because there's a huge misconception out there. We'll talk about bus, two of them. One is with the ad itself. We'll talk, we'll actually do it in reverse than I usually do. You know, when I hop on, you know, interviews or things like this, we'll start with the targeting.

Cause that's what you're asking about, right? The biggest mistake that people make is they follow, you know what, everybody, who's just kind of learned about YouTube ads is teaching, which is the placements methodology, right now. Don't get me wrong. This does work at a small scale and it is low hanging fruit. And this is delicious, low hanging fruit, but it's not scalable to only select individual videos. Even channels, but especially individual videos that you want to run your ads in front of, because the problem there is, you, you have to constantly swap out videos that you're never going to be able to have enough videos in one campaign to really get scalability.

And so what happens and what you're talking about is running placement ads, where you're selecting the specific videos that are only the very, very specific ones that people are watching that are looking up, you know, how to grow a sales team or whatever it happens to be.

The people watching that really low hanging fruit. So, it's a good idea in the early stages to run something like that. But when you're looking to scale, that's, you know, honestly, and obviously what we recommend is starting off, you know, with something like us, because we're going to set it up from day one for that scalability. But the way that we set it up is in a process called 3D YouTube ads targeting, where we actually have a three-dimensional approach.

One of the biggest things people do when they start advertising on YouTube is it's two dimensional, right? They just do placements and demographics. We call Facebook ads two dimensional's as well because it's demographics and interests, right? There's no intent on Facebook. Over here, people are doing demographics and they're doing intent.

But there's nothing about who that person is. So, so people, when they try to scale up on YouTube, they'll go into keywords and topics and you might have even done some of this. The problem when you go into just keywords and topics, if it's too broad, now, all of a sudden you're getting, you know, you're using like, you know, sales team, you're using some of these keywords that are, are pretty broad and you're attracting all kinds of people, corporate people, whatever it happens to be.

And that's probably what you experienced. So then you're like, Oh no, I got to go back to the safety of placements. But there is a way to take that broader, keywords, topics. These are collections of videos instead of just choosing one or two specific videos or a few specific videos, you're choosing these keywords, these collections, and layering it with affinity, URL and intent audiences.

So YouTube has audiences that you can layer. And that's the third dimension that a lot of people don't even know that, that you could do on YouTube. So imagine this, right, now, you're taking some of these a little bit broader keywords topics, right? Instead of placement that you're taking these keywords and topics, so they could be topics about sales, sales, management, sales, a sales team.

They could be keywords that are, you know, sales teams, how to find salespeople, things like that. If you just ran those on their own, you might get some big like corporations, maybe not, not the type of people that you're looking for, but then you layer that with audiences and there's some incredible things you can do with audiences.

For instance, you can set up a specific affinities where you just put in keywords that Google knows about a person. That's a very basic one. So you could actually put in click funnels. You could put in, you know, entrepreneur is kind of a, that's a, that's a little bit too broad to be completely honest, but there's that type of thing, but you can get more granular.

You can actually put in what's called URL affinity targeting, where you could put in So the, now these are people that have either or a similar site, right? So there are some similar sites built in there,, maybe Kartra lead pages, so they're in the online kind of marketing space during the click funnels space.

And now they're looking up sales team, how to find a sales person and you target people who are in the top 20 or 30% of household income earners. You used to be able to do that on Facebook. You can't anymore. It's all a zip code. You could do actual income targeting on YouTube top 20%. So now you've got somebody the top 20%, they're looking up how to grow sales team, how to find a salesperson.

And they're in the click funnels ecosystem because they've been on that or similar sites, maybe expert, whatever it is. That's how you pinpoint the perfect high ticket buyer. And that's how you scale because there's some extra scalability over here with the people looking up those broader keywords. There's extra scalability over here with people involved in click funnels, but you're getting the cross section of those layered. That's more scalable than if you just pinpoint only a few specific videos.

Mike Mark: [00:20:19]

So help me understand something because something's not quite making sense to me. How, how is the cross section more scalable? Right? Wouldn't it be if they have this and they have that, wouldn't that be a smaller subset than the actual, kind of like either or situation?

Aleric Heck: [00:20:36]

So that's a great question. So we're actually not, and I love that you're asking this too, because this could be what people are listening, you know, or thinking. So this is different than placement ads.

Placement ads are where you say this one video, this second video, let's say you have 10 videos. 10, just 10 different videos you're going to run your ad in front of that's where a lot of people start. Because quite frankly, that's where a lot of, you know, low, you know, low end courses, kind of online free content, the old point, people towards placements select these certain videos. That's all you're running in front of.

What you have to do to scale is you have to get into what are called more keyword targeting. So it's based on what people searched on YouTube or the tags that a video has, where like the title of a video. And that's a lot broader because instead of these 10 videos, maybe specifically on how to get a sales team, you get things that are maybe a little more broad.
So they might be more about like, you know, sales, but you're layering it with people in click funnels who are in higher income brackets, you know, you're reaching the right person. So essentially, you're targeting a collection of videos with a keyword or with a topic, like one of the topics could be sales.

If you just ran that on its own, that's going to be way too broad, right?

Mike Mark: [00:21:44]


Aleric Heck: [00:21:46]

But if you layer that with people who are in ClickFunnels and they're in a higher income bracket, so, you know, they're a business owner, right? Decision maker, you combine those three together. That's how you pinpoint the right person.

I'll explain an example for me. So for me, I am, I do have like some very small placement campaigns that aren't really scalable getting in front of videos on how to set up YouTube ads. But there's not that many videos on that on YouTube, right? There's like a dozen of them. And maybe a couple of them are mine.

It's kind of funny, right? So there's a button you to these different videos. But what we found success at, with, with us, and this is the same method we apply to other people, but this will be an easy way to look at it is we'll take top 20% of income earners. So we know they're like a business owner of some kind their businesses, you know, at least doing well enough that they can invest in something like this.

And then we layer that with people looking up, how to run Facebook ads, how to run ads, online advertising, you know. There's even a topic for advertising and marketing. Now, if I ran those on their own, it's too broad, right? We wouldn't, we wouldn't get as many leads as we want. We'd be able to scale it however much we want, but we wouldn't get as many leads.

But what we're doing is we're layering that with people who have been to before, with people who have an affinity towards YouTube ads, maybe they they've done, what's called a custom intent. So they've searched recently on how to, how to use YouTube ad, how to use Facebook ads, whatever it is.

So we're layering that, you know, so maybe the easiest way to think about as somebody in the click funnels ecosystem, they're looking at Facebook ads and they're a top income earner, that's perfect. That's exactly who we can serve. So we've created essentially a triangle and we're finding that person in the middle, but because the triangle is built up of three pieces that are broader, right?

All the people in the top 20%. All the people like or are into click funnels. All the people who are looking up, how to run ads. We can scale that much more efficiently than just the few videos that talk about YouTube ads specifically.

Mike Mark: [00:23:42]

Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, cool. That I think, that was awesome. And I think a lot of the people here may have had that same kind of question or concern to hit that. I guess, from there, the other question I have is like, what are some of the other big misconceptions or like, concerns that you typically see people have when it comes to starting with YouTube ads that just, you know, like what you showed there? It's like, well, that's not really the case. So like, what are some of those big myths or misconceptions?

Aleric Heck: [00:24:08]

Yeah, that is a great question. Honestly, one of the other really big ones is that people think you need to have this big overly produced, you know, advertisement in order to get, you know, get traction on YouTube.

And honestly, that's the opposite of what you want to do, especially for all of us. We're we're, you know, coaches, consultants, we're experts we're course creators, right? We want to resonate and connect with people face to face. And if you just feel like a big Hollywood ad, you've got a big green screen studio set up, spokespeople, all this other stuff.

The problem is it's really hard, hard to nail that, right? So it ends up being a little bit hokey if you don't and when you do nail it, you're just creating the type of ad that everybody tunes out. Think about it if you're watching, you know, TV, sports, or whatever it is, right. You go into the other, other room when a commercial starts playing, right?

Because you've been attuned your whole life to tune out these overly produced commercials. But if somebody is on YouTube, And they're looking up how to get leads, how to get sales or, or in your case, right how to grow my sales team, or they're just looking up, you know, how to improve sales because they're a business owner, the top 20%, they're in ClickFunnels. They might not even know that they need a sales team yet. That's why, if you're only running placements in front of a sales team, that's, that's not going to be a scalable.

You could just run videos with the sales, click funnels and top income bracket. And tell them that they have this problem or, you know, show them that they have this problem that they need a sales team. Because if I have, learned that earlier on, I probably wouldn't have gotten a sales team before I, you know, grinded myself to a 100K just all on my own, you know? So things like that, right? And so essentially, if you're reaching those people and you, you don't want to reach them with an overly produced ad, you want to connect yourself kind of like how we are right now, we're just talking.

And people really resonate with this because you know, we're having a conversation. We're talking about real things that's going to help people, you feel natural. So all you really need is a gimbal like this, right? This is, that you would put it up like that. So this is a gimbal that will stabilize your phone, a little microphone, which I don't actually have handy with me right now, but a little microphone that you can attach, you know, to, to, to your iPhone and get a little bit better audio. And so, that stabilizes your phone, you've got a little bit better audio and you can record an ad, literally today, right? You know, once you create, once you create a script, we'll talk about how to, you know, the winning components of a script and all that stuff. But you could create an ad that you could run and literally make millions of dollars off of, with just an iPhone and a gimbal. And we've had multiple clients do that.

So that's, that's all you need. That's a huge misconception when it comes to comes to the advertising, is, is that you need this big overly produced people trust natural. They trust you as an expert getting on screen, talking to them and that's the type of content that's already on YouTube.

Mike Mark: [00:26:48]

Interesting. That's cool. Yeah, like I see that too, right? Like, the, the ads that, that are the ones that I actually, am like, Oh man, let me sit and actually watch the thing. It's when it's like so conversational and it's just, they entered the conversation in my mind right then and there. And it wasn't like they spared me the rags to riches story.

They spared me the like all the flashy, like here's my Lambo and here's this thing. And it was just like, You know, like, yeah, do you want this and that? Well here, let me take you into my computer real quick. And then they show you it. And you're like, Oh man, I like this go right through that. Yeah. So you seeded it and I think that's like the perfect segue to get into it is what are the winning components of the script and, what are the sorts of things that someone needs to have in place before hitting record? And then actually getting that YouTube ad going?

Aleric Heck: [00:27:41]

Absolutely. Absolutely. And this is really, really essential. I'm going to dive into all three key components of that winning ad. So this is where I gotta be careful with what I say about being natural, being natural. Doesn't mean you go in with no plan, you just hit record and you just kind of go all over the place, right? Being natural means you can use a gimbal, you could use your iPhone, you don't need a big production studio. You don't need to overthink it. But when it comes to your script, you do want to make sure that you have something that resonates with your, with your market, with your audience. And so there's three key components.

There's a hook, educate and call to action. Let's talk about what not to do. What not to do is what I've seen a lot of people. And this is also the issue that you run into, right? Cause obviously we'll, you know, we'll talk about like our, our, our process is more of a program it's done with you. So we're helping people hands on, you know, go through this, setting up, you know, campaigns together training, but we also have copywriters that help our clients write the scripts.

One of the biggest problems I've seen out there, you know, with agencies. They're like, well, we do all kinds of ads. Maybe we'll help you with YouTube too. I really know that much. There's oftentimes just doing placements, but nobody talks about what goes into a winning ad, right? And that is so essential.

The creative is so important. And so the mid big mistake people make is they'll create these 30 or 62nd ads because they've either seen it before. Or they've seen like these big campaigns, like Geico for it or whatever, you know, on Facebook, a 62nd ad, because you also have text, might work. What we recommend is a three to five minute long ad that actually shows you as the expert actually gives value and information that gets people not only, you know, wanting to sign up for the webinar, but making them need to sign up for the webinar or VSL or whatever it. Doesn't remember.

It doesn't have to just be a webinar, you know. You already have a VSL, you can take a high performing VSL and transfer it over to YouTube. And we've got clients doing incredibly well with VSL. So I just want to loop back on that earlier, but, so the way, the way that this works is you have a hook, right?

So you're capturing people's attention. You're pulling them in, but you also want to push people who are a bad fit away at the same time. So you want to pull somebody in who's a good fit, but push somebody away who's a bad fit. The reason for that is you want people to skip your ad in the first five to 29 seconds if they're not interested. Because that's another way that you don't have to pay for them if they skip your ad. Right. And so obviously the targeting, we want that to do a lot of the heavy lifting, but anybody that accidentally falls into that, because we are a little bit broader on our couple of things in the layering, you know, it works out really well.

There's always gonna be a few people who get in who aren't interested or aren't interested right now. You want to get those people to skip. So you're only paying for the people, genuinely interested. Pulling in the right person pushing away. I'll give a couple examples of a couple of hooks that we've done.

Obviously we've got clients that do all kinds of different books, different niches, and excuse me, different areas. But one hope that works, worked really well for us and still works really well, but there's another one that's working even better. And I'll give that in a second, is, is the following.

What if you could ethically hijack your competitor's traffic and send it directly into your own funnel? Well in this video, we'll show you how you can do just that using targeted YouTube video ads, let's hop over to my screen and like what you were saying before. And then I go into the screen, I teach them, we'll talk about the educate section.

And the reason that it works really well as a few reasons, it captures people's interest. They're like, wait a second. What, what can you do with this? Right? It also pushes away people who don't know the jargon, right? Funnels, hijack, ethically hijack, no competitor's traffic like using all of these different words.

People who are in the online marketing coach, you know, click funnels ecosystem, they're going to skip the ad. They're gonna be like this guy's talking like alien language. We don't, you know, they don't even know what it is. And so that's pulling in people by using that industry language that they understand, pushing away, people who don't understand it and intriguing them enough to watch.

The other one, and this is the one that's working the best breath right now is really, really simple, but it's an us versus them. It's a provocative statement that people have to watch to see what I'm going to say. And I just come out and I say, “YouTube ads beat Facebook ads. Every time in this video, I'm going to show you why let's hop over to my computer screen”.

Right? It's a bold statement. People may agree or disagree in the moment, but you can't argue with the fact that agree or disagree, you're going to keep watching and you're going to, you know, you're going to be interested in what the argument is to back that up. And, and so that's the type of thing. That's a couple examples of some hooks. So you could do kind of these bold statements. You could do other things. We recommend split testing like four or five different hooks. When we have clients come in, our copywriter can help them map out like different, different hooks to use. But once you have the hook, now you've captured people.

The big mistake people make, like I said before, is they'll do short ads. They'll just do those hook. And then they'll instead of saying, let me show you, they'll say, okay, go sign up for my webinar and we'll teach you. But there's no substance, right? You're not actually giving people a reason to show up.

It's your show up rates are gonna be bad if you don't give a little bit of education, right? What you want to do is provide value in the ad. This is one of the best parts of YouTube because after 30 seconds you've paid the same amount for a view, however long it is, right? So if you can provide value and capture people's attention, really like educate them and get them to see you as the expert.

They're much more likely to show up on the webinar. So what we like to do is give you two or three golden nuggets on your ad. So one of them that I do is I let people know that you only pay with YouTube ad if somebody watches more than 30 seconds, right? A lot of people don't know that. So it's a golden nugget. People find that really valuable. I also shared, or some of the basics of targeting YouTube. It's actually kind of funny. I actually show some of the basics of what we just talked about. Isn't the method for scaling it's placement ads. But it's the easiest to demonstrate, right? To get people into, into the rest of my funnel.

And then in my webinar, I talk about, start talking about 3D YouTube ads on a scale, things like that. And so I give this demo, I give this information. Now people want to learn more. They need to learn more. They want to take that next step and sign up for the webinar. And then you have the call to action. That's what gets them off of the video, into the funnel. You gotta make it stupid, simple. Go here, click this button. You register for the webinar and we'll show you exactly how this works.

Mike Mark: [00:33:54]

Love it. Okay, so I want to transition, but before we transition, so for, here, I want to get into kind of like, your actual journey as a business owner, more so, in going to seven figures and well on your way to eight figures.

But before we get into that, there's just a couple questions around YouTube ads and everything we've covered so far. So, one of the big things that Joe Giglietti asks is what's the typical number of paid ad views required to get a click to the landing page. So effectively what's the CTR that you would have as a KPI?

Aleric Heck: [00:34:28]

Yeah. So, obviously it's gonna, it's gonna vary. Typically honestly, we, we look more at conversion rates and leads and conversions. So we're typically looking at is a click through rate. The click through rates, more based off of the way it's set up in there in Google, because Google is based off, everything is more based off of an impression, which you don't actually pay for it. You pay for the views.

So typically, in impression click through rates, we're looking to get, you know, one and a half, like 3%. Sometimes it can be higher than that. Sometimes it's lower and you can have the metrics work out on the leads as well. That's off of impressions. Doing the mental math, that's going to be higher per view.

You know, honestly, that's going to be more like, you know, 5 to 10, like it's going to be higher per view. Views are more than 30 seconds. So if you can get, like, let's say you have like a hundred impressions, right? Which is people that see your ad, you might have 10 people that view it. And then you might want to have, from that, you might have like one or two people that will click on it, or one to three people maybe.

So that overall that's like a one to 3% click through rate from the impression, but you're actually paying only for the views. And so that's where it can get a little tricky with that. Sorry for the complex answer. I'm, I'm kind of analytical like that. So I'll give you the more, more, more analytical answer there.

But I like to look more so at the lead metrics, then the, then the click through rates, but typically on the click through rate, it gives you, you'd want to look for between, you know, like two to 3% if that's the best, but over 1%, absolutely. Because if it's less than that, then you're going to need to change your creative of that.

Mike Mark: [00:36:02]

Cool. And I know Joe's definitely not mad at you for getting analytical. He loves the numbers. So, alright. And then another quick question that someone had was Ryan Heiss. I have two ad words, accounts, both not spending anything, despite everything set up correctly. Have you dealt with this issue?

Aleric Heck: [00:36:17]

So, it depends on how it is set up. There's a couple of things and I'd have to, you know, to, to really know the exact, is where ad with any troubleshooting, right? You know, you kind of have to see exactly, exactly what's going on, but honestly, it's probably not a, it's not something that it's definitely not something that can't be solved and troubleshooted.

There's a couple of key things that I would do is if you're setting up a TCPA campaign, I would try and switch it to maximum versions. And regardless if it's not TCPA or max conversions, I would also run a CPV cost per view. It's a manual bid ad to get some conversions into the campaign that's train the Google tag for what a conversion is, and then run the lead at. So one big problem some people have, and we have a lot of our clients that will start with lead ads and CPV ads. The CPB ads will usually turn off. They do not perform as well as the lead ads, but you need to have some times those ads wanting simultaneously to get conversions so that the lead ads know what's going to work best for a conversion, not all the time, but that is that's something to troubleshoot in that case.

Mike Mark: [00:37:22]

Yeah. And for people who are familiar running Facebook ads, it's effectively, you start with like a traffic objective to then figure out what the conversion objective is and then moving into that. Yeah.

Aleric Heck: [00:37:32]


Mike Mark: [00:37:33]

Exactly. Okay, cool. And then, they said, do you see higher consumption rate of… Lee, we chatted about that, I think, but maybe we could touch on it real fast, higher consumption rate of VSL or webinar on YouTube versus Facebook ads. And then have you tracked the difference on this before?

Aleric Heck: [00:37:50]

A hundred percent? It's a lot easier to track the consumption rate on webinar as you know because we, we, webinar just gives you all the stats and yes, you can track the VSL, but not all of our clients have easy ways to Wistia or whatever to kind of track that.

The consumption rates though, you can, you can see just by the number of people on a VSL that actually book a call like Ahmad, a great example, right? Not as many people booking a call, he was running a VSL on the VSL for Facebook versus YouTube, going very well, but in terms of webinars, we actually do have the hard numbers.

I have heard from a lot of people that are in that 25, 30% on Facebook show up rate, our average across us and our clientsof last time that we surveyed it between 50 and 60%, ours is around that 60% mark. And then in like the fifth, it was 58% at one point kind of fluctuate around that, you know, 55 to 60% show up rate on our webinar and our average webinar consumption time on an hour and eight minute webinar is 53 minutes where we have the offer to book a call at 45 minutes. And that's from these, these YouTube ads.

Mike Mark: [00:38:55]

Yeah. That's just nuts. So now transitioning from here into the actual process of scaling your business, you know. I know, like you've been going at this and the, especially in the past year, you've hit some quantum leaps. So describe at least in the past year, sort of some of those sticking points and then the shifts in the quantum leaps that occurred.

Aleric Heck: [00:39:18]

Yeah, that's a, that's a great question. And actually it was basically about , it was, it was a year ago that I had hit, or a year and a little bit ago. So you're in like a month ago. Last May was my first, you know, a 100K month, you know, last year. And, I ramped up to that all, you know, all of my, be my own like adviser and you know, we were running ads and the thing was to, I was like these, you know, cause obviously I'm the ads guy. I'm like, I can scale these ads up at time.

And so obviously I needed the, the, the salespeople. I'm sure we'll, we'll get into that. But, you know, honestly the big thing initially for me, in the marketing is always, I think I've actually seen like business owners, there's three main things. Now typically, it's not like the client success side, although I have seen a few, but typically though, those are like the three main things with client success, marketing and sales.

Typically it's not client success. Usually, you know what you're doing? You know, you're an expert, you've got all that blocked in. Sometimes you can build out operations and systems, but it's either the marketing or the sales. And that's why we were talking, you know, when we tag team clients, they just blow up because if you get your marketing dialed into the sales dial, then so for me, it was initially perfecting my sales.

But by this point, exactly one year ago I had done, I had gotten up to a 40% close rate on my calls. you know, we were basically taking a lot, I was taking a lot of calls, you know, and, and getting people to come in. And it actually, by that point, you know, a little bit less, we were more specific on the, on the people I would talk to you.

The big thing that shifted from there was bringing on that first salesperson. And, I brought on, and we were in talks I also had in my network was the first person that I brought on and, you know, David, and it was incredible. And, I saw it go from that 100K to then, you know, 150, 180, 200. And that was, that was insane. But then it was still, I was still taking a bunch of calls. You is now taking a bunch of calls. I was still on the phone. And so I remember at the exact same time, you know, I actually flew out to, and I might begin a timeline a little bit off, but within a one month period, I flew out to, to Paris.

And, there was an event with Jay Abraham. And he told me, cause I had a hot seat, you know, with, with, with him in front of the room and everything like that. And he was telling me in a much more eloquent way than I'm going to stay now, by the way. So I'm not, it's not exact quote, but he was basically telling me that I, you know, I need to trust my team and my process and become the CEO and trust my team to do the sales and that I should bring on more salespeople and I should increase my ad spend because I was like, well, you know, I'm getting a 10 X, you know, as on my YouTube ads and I'm actually, I'm hearing, we might've even been 12 when I was talking to like, I'm like the row as like, it's so insane. And, and, but that's also contingent on me closing 40%, my sales guys close less than that, but really if you look at it, if you want to grow and to scale, you know, both on the closing percentage, and then we also do say the exact same thing on the marketing side, your return on ad spend, right?

As you scale up, as you bring on more salespeople, right? You're going to be able to hit higher highs and overall bigger profit margin, profit numbers as well, maybe not, but profit numbers as well. But based on building up your systems, scaling your ads. So that maybe the, the, the relapse is not as high, but you're making more revenue and more profit and same thing with your sales team.

You're not spending more time on every single call. And so that's when we got in touch and, you know, we brought on, you know, shortly thereafter brought on Joseph. And, I think, you know, we tried somebody else as well.

Mike Mark: [00:42:51]

Even before that. I don't know if you remember, but, David was only doing sets for you.

Aleric Heck: [00:42:56] Oh yes. Yes.

Mike Mark: [00:42:57]

He wasn't doing any closing. And then that was kinda like the, you were like white knuckled hanging onto the rain still.

Aleric Heck: [00:43:06]


Mike Mark: [00:43:06]

We started off at, different than most people would start off working with us, but we started off on more training side of things to get David to shift into the closer role.

Aleric Heck: [00:43:15]

Yes. That's why I was trying to put piece together. Cause I know we brought on and it was December that we brought on Joseph's but like what was going. Yes. That obviously, and sorry, just that, you know, kind of a tip of the mind there, but, absolutely. So that was incredible because what we were able to do is, you know, increase David's closing rate, replaced me on the calls, pull myself off.

I could then focus on expanding, you know, what we're doing, not only for our marketing and to scale our business, but also to grow our team and help our clients more and build out more client success. We built on, I built out new modules. I built out a whole like retargeting machine 2.0, there's so much things that I could do to improve the customer and client experience, client experience, that I couldn't do before when I was on calls, like literally all day. Yeah, that was incredible. And if you want, I can kind of pick up.

Mike Mark: [00:44:05]

Yeah. Yeah. I think some of the interesting things that occurred at least then I'd love to hear your take on it. But, I know for a little bit like the the process of getting David into pocket was like very nerve wracking for you.

Especially in those first few weeks where you'd be like, hitting me up, like, yo, what's, what's going on? When's this going to click? When's this going to click? And, it was like a few talk you off the ledge kind of moments. So I'm just be curious to hear kind of your experience through that. Cause that was a, I think it was a big moment for you.

And then you got the trust with David, you had to kind of almost do that, relearn it with Joseph. And then now I've totally seen, like you've shifted as a leader and how you like trust the team.

Aleric Heck: [00:44:43]

Yeah. And I think that's really, the big thing is, you know, becoming this whole past year, right? Has been becoming about becoming a CEO. It's been about becoming a CEO. And trusting the team, trusting the process, you know, actually having, not micromanaging everything, right? And I think there's a lot of positives to wanting to perfect things and, and really caring about, you know, everything being weld, like detail oriented. But the opposite side is you do have to take a step back and let your team, you know, let your team do things and, and succeed and, go through the process.

And, you know, I knew that it was going to be what I needed, but obviously in the moment it was definitely scary, right? You know, it's different, especially when the closing rate's a lot lower than what you know. You, you know, and, and all of that, but that process and, the way that you were able to walk me through, it was incredible.

And, and that's, you know, obviously a testament to yourself and your team, Mike. But, you know, it was just great to be able to have somebody in place. And I think that's also, that's the feeling, I think, on the other side and, and you get both right. That's the feeling that people have when they can get their marketing in place and their marketing, right?

Because maybe people are running these placement ads or they're running Facebook ads. But, you know, the issue with Facebook is the scalability or the results going all over the place and…

Mike Mark: [00:46:06]


Aleric Heck: [00:46:07]

Banned. Exactly, exactly. All of these issues. But then when you get onto YouTube and then you scale up and you get these campaigns that are scalable and longterm, that's where, you know, there's this exciting degree. And so obviously, yes, there's a little bit of testing at the beginning. We have a lot of clients who get sales, even, you know, during that testing period, that's what we strive to have happen, right? It's the same thing with, with, you know, as you're testing your new closer, but once that's dialed in once a closer dialed in. Once the, you know, your, your marketing is dialed in, that's when you have a machine working and that's when business really gets fun and there become so much limitless possibilities.

Mike Mark: [00:46:45]

Yeah. So I remember there was something that's interesting and I'm sure like you have the same experience with your clients, which was a it's the way I described it. I think we actually mentioned this on another interview. We did, but it's a lot like a circuit, right? And you have a circuit, but there's a lot of openings in the circuit.

And so you've got to close that one part and then you got to get to the next part and then close that part of the circuit. And then you've got to get there and close. And then it's like almost only once the circuit closes the lights, come on, right? And I remember with David, there was like, you'd hit me up.

He'd be like, what's going on? What's going on? What's going on? And I'd be like, Hey, here's what we're working on. Here's what's going to happen. Here's how it's going to go. And I remember telling you up front, like, it's going to be three to four weeks before you see the shift. And you're like, in those three to four weeks, you're like, Oh my God, like super antsy.

And it'd be like, Hey, this is what we're working on this week. Here's what we're going to focus on. And then again, it was like, it was like, almost like bang on, that third week was when he just like, boom! Turned into an animal and then he just went like crazy since. So, and I mentioned though, it's the same thing, right?

You're testing your ads, you're testing your ads, you're testing your ads. They're sitting there seeing the money going out. They're kind of white knuckling trying to hang onto the rain still, but then it's like, once it clicks on the ad side, it's just like, you see that wall of appointments, like what Ahmad had. And then it's like, Oh, okay. We've got a whole different set of problems now.

Aleric Heck: [00:48:07]

Exactly. That's exactly right. And then you have, then you have new PR cause obviously, you know, once we had, you know, David dialed in and just crushing it and going so well, I remember we had, we had, we had a conversation to where I was like, alright, you know, we're going to get to the holiday season.

We're gonna, you know, we're gonna look for that second adviser in January. Like no way, you know, we're doing, we're doing this now. And so that we can hit the ground running. And that's exactly what I would tell somebody to wi, with YouTube ads and, and, you know, I think you even brought that up as well. It's like, you know, get this, get this, get this dialed in now, and then hit the ground running.

And that was just incredible cause we found, you know, Joseph that way, who, who who's been been, you know, obviously incredible and, and really, you know, a big part of the team and we've been growing it ever since. Now we're at, you know, four adviser or well, one's in training now. And another one that you guys brought over, we've got three main advisors. We've got one in training. So four advisors currently running at four specialists, you know, three of them, kind of our main specialist, one training. And it's just incredible the ability to continue to scale. And, I might be getting ahead of, you know, where you want me to go next, but it's just, it's just great.

Mike Mark: [00:49:15]

Yeah. And so, I noticed a distinct difference once Joseph got in, you kind of like got it where you're like, okay, I kind of can see this thing. And there's still the occasional, like, Holy crap. This is like, you're seeing it at scale. It's so emotional, right? Like it's the, you'll have these two weeks where you're like, where's the deals, where's the deals, where's the deals. And then it's like that next week, it's like, here's the deals. And it's like, almost like a whole month happens in a week and then starting to get accustomed to that pattern in that flow.

Aleric Heck: [00:49:44]

Exactly. And I think, I think though it is, we we've been talking about a lot of the similarities between marketing and sales. There are big differences as well. And I think that's also where somebody, you were actually joking, somebody else in the chat, you know, who also agree with being analytical, right? So somebody who's a little more like, you know, I want to look at the exact numbers, there's a human element to sales. So with numbers and with marketing, You can go in and we didn't even talk about this as much, but you can go in and specifically see this keyword, this particular video you're running an ad in front of this caused a conversion.

This one didn't it's black and white. You can turn off. Not really always, but sometimes there's gray somewhere, somewhere like, okay, is this one good enough, where it isn't, but like basically you can see the data and make an educated decision and turn off what's not working. And typically the results, because this is like leads and applications.

You know, maybe the applications are a little more clumpy, but in general, you know, they, they they're there like every day. But then at least the leaves you can see, okay, everything's tracking well, you have all the metrics. With sales, I think, you know, it's different because it has that human element. And I think it's really good, obviously the way that you guys helped kind of bridge that gap, because I'm sure somebody coming from the human element of sales, there's things you could do to like encourage a sales team to close deals.

Whereas, you know, with your marketing, you can't just like, be like, okay, you know, you know, or whatever, like what's going on? How can we, you know, so the marketing is more consistent, for better or worse than with the sale, it's more human element. But I think the measure of the two, obviously that's what really builds, builds the business. So.

Mike Mark: [00:51:11]

Yup, marketing sales alignment. It's crazy. And then the, the thing though that you're talking about, I think like a big difference between the marketing and sales and we've like had a lot of conversations about this is the cycle time, which you kind of hit on, but like you, your ads cycle so fast, you can get the data in a day.

But with sales, oftentimes, especially as you're starting the scale process, you can't get the data from month. Sometimes it's even longer, like, and then you have to make a change and then observe for another month. So your cycle times are so much slower. It can drive you nuts. And that's like a big part of the sales thing.

And then the other thing is that, you know what you mentioned, it's like, you can look at the data and then see what's there. On marketing, you can do the same with sales. It's just super time-intensive cause you got to listen to the call and then you also have to have the exact experience to know. Okay, on the call, this is where it went off tracks and here's how we're going to coach it. And here's how we're not going to overtrain this person, but we're going to give them just enough that they're going to keep progressing through this until like finding that balance of giving them just enough sales training.

That's going to be the core deficiency. It's a very time intensive process that when you're running a business, oftentimes you don't have the time to listen to all the calls and then figure that out.

Aleric Heck: [00:52:21]


Mike Mark: [00:52:23]

So one thing I wanted to ask you about, so is the setters, the appointment setters, right? You have a team of three now almost four setters. You got someone in training. A lot of people don't even know that we do appointment setters and we introduce them.

Aleric Heck: [00:52:36]

Oh my gosh!

Mike Mark: [00:52:37]

So I just wanted to ask you about the appointments that are, is kind of like what you're seeing is working, what your experience has been with the appointment setters and like how you're leveraging them?

Aleric Heck: [00:52:46]

Yeah. And that's, that's been incredible, honestly, you know, just the, the, the value that you guys add in the, the appointment setters. It's just, it, you know, it, it's an insane degree of value because it's not just bringing the advisors, it's bringing the appointment setters.

And the other thing too, is I've heard from like everybody else in the industry that it's like the most high turnover appointments setters, all high turnover, et cetera. You know, and yes, there are some trialing at the beginning. But what's been insane, is incredible, is we've gotten some incredible people, these specialists, you know, setters, right. We call them specialists in our business, but you know, setters is the more common term, you know, are incredible. They're incredible people. They're awesome. They're great, you know, valuable and awesome team members. And, they're highly skilled and they're coming in, you know, from, from you guys.

That we can get them on and we can have them come in and consistently get these sets, get these people over the line. They're excited, they're eager. They're a big part of the team and they're incredibly valuable and we can show them, listen, like you're a big part of the team because you're helping set these deals that are, you know, that our advisors are gonna be able to close your triaging.

But at the same time we get in return. These people that really care, because I think the problem was with, with a position like that is, you know, if you don't have the right people, kind of like you guys finding them, you know, theoretically you could get, you could get like a random person, like newer to sales, but they're not going to be the person that's longterm that actually cares about it, who's going to do a good job. You want somebody who really does care and can actually put in that effort. And that's what we found. So we've got, you know, incredible, you know, specialists, specialists on our team, you know, we, we had started off with Corea. Absolutely awesome. You know?

Mike Mark: [00:54:35]

I know that guy.

Aleric Heck: [00:54:36]

Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and more recently, you know, Chris and Oberto. It's just, it's been great getting them on the team and, really incorporating them in. Because you know, they're calling a lot of people, but they're setting all the, you know, a bunch of appointments. We added phone number, you know, phone call leads to the top of our webinar. And that's been a, that's been working really well. Calling, calling every lead and getting those people, you know, some trainings, warming them up and then getting them on an advisor calendar.

Mike Mark: [00:55:04]

Yeah. And I think that the other thing that you're experiencing is like, as you've gone from, what are you spending on ads now that you're at like 450 a month? What's your typical monthly ad spend?

Aleric Heck: [00:55:13]

So, we're at like the 115, 120 kinda mark. Honestly, that's, you know, it's, there's a degree of like, kind of the, the, you know, virus and some of the other stuff right now. So that's, that's being completely open and honest, but when you look at the scalability we could on that level, be hitting those 600K and, you know, bringing in healthy profits and everything too. So I think the important thing is when I, when I talk about like row assets, these actually I'm thinking, by the way, when you're talking about building up an advisor team, right?

When you're on your own, you could be doing 40%, but then you're doing, or even 50% of you, if you're really sales oriented, you could be closing like 50%, right? But is that really how you want to scale up. You know, early on running, running my ads, like, you know, 12 X, 10 X row as for a long time. And it's the same thing when we get a lot of clients who come in here too. They get like, they're like 8 X, 10 X. When you want to scale to the hundreds of thousands, you're going to tap into colder markets, but you're going to have much higher revenue and profit at the end of the day, when you calculate all of your everything.

So I just say that too, because it's the exact same thing you're talking about, right? When you're scaling your team, when you're going into different things, that's really important. So you know, about one, you know, 110, 120 part of that, you know, is we do have some people that we're stacking and then we'll do, we'll do 450 off of that. And you know, the goal next month is, or this month is to do 500 or on track. So it's going to be awesome.

Mike Mark: [00:56:43]

So, the point though, that I was, I definitely want to emphasize is like when you're at a hundred, 115 grand a month, if you don't have an appointment setting team, like thinking about just how much opportunities falling through the cracks, like people that just didn't book, they forgot to book, then something happened and then they're able to take all that opportunity and make sure that they're talking with your advisors. It's like complete game changer at that level of ad spend.

Aleric Heck: [00:57:10]

Exactly it really, it really is. It really is. It's, it's awesome. And you're also building that pipeline. So there is, you know, obviously there's a lot of people and we're hitting records. Clients are getting records. Everybody's going to, you know, or not everybody, there's a lot of people in our space we're hitting records right now, despite what's going on in the world, you know, the virus and everything. But there is a degree where there are people who are going to be pipeline for the, for the future. These are more if you cross over. Cause we had a lot of, you know, local, we had a lot of like local, like roofers, solar businesses, you know. Different things like that, that maybe are not like coming in right now that are going to be ready in the future.

Now the people that do come in, it's awesome. And, and we're able to get their ads running. And it's interesting, like we have solar people who are crushing it even, you know, cause you can't go door to door. So then you run your ad and you, you know, you sell it. But there are some people with that objection.

So what you're doing is you're still creating that pipeline and having your specialist handle it because your advisor, if you look at it, right. As much as you want them to be following up with everybody. Like if they very often like, like, like, you know, it's one of those things where even if they haven't even had a call yet, which sometimes happens, how are they gonna know to follow up with everybody?

They have all of these leads coming in. All of these phone calls every day, all day, every day, you need those specialists to be able to, to maneuver those relationships. And you really have a bank. Like each of our specialists has people that will eventually be a call and then, you know, become a client, ideally, that they have pipeline for follow ups themselves.

Mike Mark: [00:58:42]

Love it. I definitely want to be mindful of time where we're a little bit over here. So if anybody wants to find, you wants to know more about getting YouTube ads, scaling with YouTube ads, where can they do that? and then how can they get in touch with you?

Aleric Heck: [00:58:57]

Absolutely. Absolutely. So I put together a page with a few gifts for you guys, just, you know, for listening to these interviews, great primer for everything. If you go to – A D O. U T R E A C H, ad, you'll actually see a little page. I'll just kind of thank you for being on the interview and, and, and listening to everything. But underneath that, you can see that there's a link to our webinar, our YouTube ads webinar. Remember I told you our habits watch time is 53 minutes.

Yes, that's the YouTube ad, but also we provide value and content on the webinar. You can't force people to stay that long without value. So we've got a lot of value on the webinar. We have YouTube ads for high ticket training, that's on there as well. And a link to our Facebook group, which you're going, of course also searched directly.

It's YouTube ads for entrepreneurs. We're posting trainings. It's kind of like your Facebook group that, you know, we're streaming it. Now we post trainings and post all kinds of different things. Great way to interact with us. And when you guys are ready, feel free to, to book a call, you know, at, it'll be on that page as well. And you'll be talking to somebody that like helped a trainer bring in. So it's, it's all.

Mike Mark: [01:00:04]

You'll be talking to us shortly, cause they'll have…

Aleric Heck: [01:00:07]

Better be ready, you know, killer killer combo. It should be a comma. That's awesome.

Mike Mark: [01:00:14]

Well, thanks for joining us Aleric has been awesome. And then I think there's been a ton of stuff here for anybody that's looking to get this going. I'm just scanning the questions real fast. I would say Eddie, I see your question. Jump back in. He actually hits that like in detail earlier. So, I just say catch that on the replay and that looks like that's it. So, we'll wrap this up. Thank you guys for joining. I hope you got a lot out of it. If you would just comment whatever your big takeaway was in the comments below if you've been with us throughout this.

And then also Aleric, I don't know if, if someone were to reach out to you guys, Through the comments, would you potentially reach out to them and just kind of chat them up if they had questions for you specifically?

Aleric Heck: [01:00:56]

Yeah. If you guys have questions post it here and, it might not be me immediately getting back to you, but I'll make sure that myself or somebody from our team will get back to you and we can answer the questions and go from there.

Mike Mark: [01:01:08]

Sweet. So if you guys caught this replay and you got more questions, drop them below and then we'll make sure that you guys get all your questions answered.