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We’ve Solved the Hardest Problem in Business: Sales

Only one thing in life is more intimate than convincing someone to buy something from you.

Clients take out their wallet, open it up, and hand over their hard-earned money. In return, you give them a product or service that makes their life better.

Take away all the corporate jargon and a business is one thing only: sales. It’s the lifeblood. Oxygen. If you have it, you have a business. If you don’t, you don’t.

And whether you’re a founder with a twinkle in your eye or the chairman of a conglomerate, every step of the way, sales will be the hardest problem you’ll have to solve.

That’s where we come in.

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Our Core Values

coaching sales core values

At the risk of sounding cringe, our values drive everything we do. They're the reason why we have an NPS score comparable to Amazon, Apple, and Southwest Airlines. They're the reason why we have the most repeat customers of any business in our category.

  • Believe in yourself: We're the best at what we do. And we only work with people who're the best at what they do.
  • In data we trust: Every decision we make is supported by data.
  • Do good: We leave everyone we come in contact with–our clients, our team, our family, our friends–better than we found them.
  • 1% better everyday: We're committed to self-improvement as individuals and as an organization.
  • Sales, service, system: After you make the sale, you must deliver results (service.) This commitment to service necessitates systems. All three form a virtuous cycle.
  • Understand before being understood: Working as a team or working with our clients, we're trying to achieve harmony. More than anything, we're trying to be human and treat each other like humans.

What This Means for You

Depending on when you come to us, here's what we can do together. Some clients work with us from day one.

Tyler Narducci launched the Done-For-You Agency program with us and went from zero to $70,000/month in 3 months.

tyler narducci of done-for-you agency program says coaching sales was the best roi of any program he's invested in

“Working with Coaching Sales has been the best ROI of any program I've ever invested in.” – Tyler Narducci, Done-For-You Agency Program

Most of our clients come to us when they're taking too many sales calls and they need to get off the phones.

Usually, this is after they've tried to hire salespeople themselves and failed. To go through this cycle three times is common. It's at that point they just can't take it anymore and decide they need expert help.

We wish they'd come to us the first time around but alas, some business owners need to learn the hard way. Ultimately, it makes our value proposition a no-brainer and the sales call a lay-down deal 😉

JR Rivas is a perfect example. He thought he could hire and train salespeople himself.

jr rivas of instant leverage said he feels like he's robbing us because the value we deliver

“I sometimes feel like I'm robbing you guys… it's the best ROI product I've gotten in the last 2-3 years.” – JR Rivas, Instant Leverage

Other business owners think it's a good idea to hire their friends to take sales calls. And we all know how that turns out. Among high-ticket entrepreneurs it's an inside joke.

Ravi Abuvala made the mistake of hiring friends as sales reps. When he'd had enough, he came to us. Over the next eight months, he turned a solo consulting business into Scaling With Systems.

ravi abuvala of scaling with systems says the sales team we gave him helped him build the business he has today

“Working with Mike and Coaching Sales was the start of what would essentially become Scaling With Systems.” – Ravi Abuvala, Scaling With Systems

When market conditions go against you and you need outside expertise to pivot fast, we're right here for you. That's 'cause we've been behind the scenes at so many agencies, consultants, and coaches that we've seen it all. And we know the plays you need to make in any situation.

When the Covid lockdown happened, Brett Ratkowski lost most of his clients overnight. In a few months, we helped him get all that revenue back and then some.

brett ratkowski of optimized real estate says we helped him do a month's revenue in 2 weeks

“In August alone, in the first 15 days, we produced more revenue than the whole month of July.” – Brett Ratkowski, Optimized Real Estate

Amazon, Apple, Coaching Sales

We have an NPS (Net Promotor Score) of 67 (out of 100.) That puts us on par with some of the most well-liked brands on the planet.

For comparison:

  • Amazon's NPS is 68
  • Apple's NPS is 71
  • Southwest Airline's NPS is 66

The reason why our customers are so happy with us is that we put our reputation and relationships above profit. We operate in a two-sided marketplace and what makes us different from our competitors is that we prioritize the interests of both sides equally.

How we look after our client's interests:

  • When our clients come to us looking for sales reps, we only introduce them to experienced salespeople with proven 7-figure track records. We don't give them newbies who've just completed a high-ticket course and have never taken a real sales call.
  • We handle all the onboarding and training of new recruits. It's an end-to-end process and we're not adding more work to our client's already-full plate.
  • All of our products and services come with a satisfaction or performance guarantee and we offer a generous refund policy.

How we look after our salespeople's interests:

  • We don't charge sales reps to place them on offers. No up front fees or a percentage of earnings. Our clients pay us a fair price for the work we do sourcing and vetting candidates, and that's enough for us.
  • We only put salespeople on proven offers that convert. And if a client is treating a salesperson badly or not paying them on time, we help them move to a new offer and blacklist the client.
  • Sales reps get weekly coaching for as long as they're taking calls for our clients

Here's What to do Next

If you're ready to start working with us, tap the button below to book a call with our team. Or you can leave a message in the chat box below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

If you're a business owner and would like to get to know us a little better first, go through the free resources in our High-Ticket Growth Kit™ (no opt-in necessary.)

If you're an experienced salesperson looking for your next offer or you're a beginner looking to start your career in consultative sales, subscribe to the Sales Job Bulletin™.

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